Lexica 0604, And
22x15 inches Arches Platine
artist printed monotype 2023
Red Lexica, Smokes
12x12 inches artist printed etching
Red Lexica, Smokes.
10x12 inches, artist printed etching
Red Lexica 0570, Couples, Doubles
15x22 inches, artist printed etching
Red Lexica, Smokes Double
15x22 inches, 22x15 inches Arches Platine etching
Red Lexica 0555, Ballpoint Pretzel Girl
8x11 on 15x22 artist printed etching
Red Lexica 0555, Pretzel Girl
River Street Gallery New Haven
Lexica: CBS
22x30 inches, litho
Publisher Peter Yamaoka Editions
Williamsburg Bkn
Dervish 0521
15x22 inches artist printed etching
Collection Sylvie Turner UK,
Figure, Pickaxe, Uncover Clue 0560
15x22 inches, etching
Shelter, Four Lights, 0517
15x22, artist printed etching
Jesu Shelter 0517
Flood, Fire 0522
Shelter, Shopping 0520
Dig 0523,
15x22 inches 22x15 inches
artist printed etching
Artspace New Haven, Curator Sara Fritchey
R Y G Light Men 0535
Fire Flags 0467
Impulse drawing, NYC
9x9 inches Edition 5, 2018
The Sublime
10x10 inches artist printed cliche verse
15x22, lithograph
Man Heaven and Hell III
Peter Yamaoka Editions
Man Heaven and Hell II
Man Heaven and Hell I
Man Heaven and Hell IV
Williamsburg. The Sublime
Spirit Hole 0030
15x22 inches, stone litho
The Sublime ,Smoking AP
10x10 inches cyanotype
Red Sublime 0104, Bluttrophen
Red Sublime 0203, A Throbbing Heart
4x12 on 12x20 inches
Exhibition Alva Gallery CT
RedSublime 0120, Roses Rouges
6x30 inches artist printed etching
Exhibition Goldsmith Gallery
Lexica 0637, And
15x22 inches